Congratulations to all that took part this year!

"Some races are part of running history. The Cabbage Patch is one of them."

Check out the 2024 Highlights below

in association with The Stragglers Running Club

The Stragglers were founded in 1981 and have been pounding the streets and parks of South West London ever since. Our distinctive footprint and eye catching yellow shirts can be seen from a long way off. We have over 500 active members and offer a wide range of training and running experiences for all standards of runners. Our club ethos is to encourage participation in our races and club events and to promote the camaraderie and social side of the club.In addition to the Cabbage Patch 10, The Stragglers organise the Green Belt Relay, the Wedding Day 7k and the River Relay.

Race HQ
The Race HQ is The Cabbage Patch Pub in London Road, Twickenham TW1 3SZ.
Race number and collection
Sport Systems provide a full entry management for this event. This year race packs, including race numbers and timing chips, will NOT be posted out to runners. The race packs will be available from Up and Running store in Teddington from Wednesday 16th October to Saturday 19th October and from the Race HQ between 7.00am-8.30am on the day of the race.
Please allow extra time to collect you chip and race number.Start time
The race starts at 9.00 am from Church Street, Twickenham. Prior to the start runners must assemble in the holding area in Church Street. This is a pedestrian area. You must stay in Church Street whilst waiting for the start and not obstruct the main road. The start line is now at the end of Church Street.

Twickenham is served by excellent public transport connections and we encourage you to travel to and from the race by public transport if it’s too far to walk or cycle. Twickenham BR station is a five minute walk from the Cabbage Patch. As for buses it’s like bus bingo. All these buses stop in Twickenham: 33, 110, 267, 281, 290, 490, H22, R68, R70.Car parking in Twickenham town centre is limited. If you do decide to travel by car please try to share your car or get a lift to help keep car numbers down. You may find someone to share a lift with via Liftshare.The nearest accessible car parks to the race start and finish, which are all free of charge on a Sunday, are Arragon Road (TW13NG – 437 spaces), Holly Road (TW14HF – 171 spaces) and Church Lane (TW13NX – 30 spaces). Please note the car park at York House will not be accessible.

There will be a baggage store at the Race HQ. Please note that the race organisers cannot take responsibility for the loss of items from the baggage store.

There are no changing facilities available at the Race HQ. There are toilets at the Race HQ and at various cafes, pubs and other venues in Twickenham town centre. We will provide signage outside the venues with toilets which welcome runners.

Sport Systems will be timing the event, they will provide runners with a “Personal Time” calculated from when the runner crosses the start line to when the runner crosses the finish line – this is sometimes called chip to chip timing. We will also provide a “Race Time” calculated from when the race is started to when the runner crosses the finish line – this is sometimes called gun time.As set down by the rules of athletics, the results and prizes will be provided in Race Time order.

The course is a fast and flat circuit starting in the centre of Twickenham, crossing the Thames at Kingston and Richmond bridges and finishing at York House in Twickenham.It is run mostly on roads and paved footpaths including the Richmond River path. Richard Nerurkar set an all-time British record for 10 miles on the course in 1993 in a time of 46 minutes and two seconds.This year we have made a small number of changes to the course which will improve the runner experience and safety.

There will be cash prizes in each of the men’s and women's races as follows:

A perpetual shield and individual prizes will be awarded to the 1st Men's team (6 to count) and 1st Womens' team (4 to count).Finishers will receive this year’s race medal and a race memento which will be announced nearer race day.Prize-giving will take place at 11.30am at the Cabbage Patch pub. As well as the fabulous race cash prizes, the race winners will receive the famous cabbages and spot prizes will be made for those who are in attendance and whose numbers are in the spot prize bin.

There will be first aiders on hand at the start, during and end of the race. If you have any difficulties during the race, please notify one of the many marshals on the course. If you feel unwell or are suffering from any medical conditions on race day, you are advised not to run.

Click Sports Photos will be stationed at locations around the course and at the finish line to capture your participation in the race. These images will be available to purchase from their website the day after the race.

If in the unlikely event the race has to be cancelled, unfortunately entry fees will not be refundable.

If you are unable to run and you would like to transfer your entry to another runner then please Email and they will send you a transfer form. Please note that there is a £5 transfer fee payable.Alternatively, you can download and email the form.

Where can I find the results?
The results are expected to be posted on the results section of shortly after the race. There will be a link to the results on the CP10 website.
How do I know I am entered?
There is a link to a live entrants list in the online store so you can check your name is there. If you have entered and your name is not on the list, please contact us by emailing or use the Contact us form at the bottom of this webpage
What should I do if my number hasn’t arrived?
So long as you are on the entrants list (see above) then you are entered! This year race packs, including race numbers and timing chips, will NOT be posted out to runners. The race packs will be available from Up and Running store in Teddington from Wednesday 16th October to Saturday 19th October and from the Race HQ between 7.00am-8.30am on the day of the race.
What happens if I can’t take part?
Very nearly all event entries are non-refundable due to the planning and pre-purchasing of the event merchandise. If you can’t take part you can transfer your number to a friend but you must inform the organisers and make the change at least one week prior to raceday. This is particularly important in case of a medical emergency. You will be required to complete a transfer form so that the race has a signed declaration for the new runner. Contact the race registration service at Sport Systems (email There will be a £5 admin charge for transfers.
Headphones and MP3 Players
The use of headphones on the Cabbage Patch 10 is forbidden. The 2022-2024 edition of the UKA Rules of Competition states:
“The wearing of headphones, or similar devices, (other than those medically prescribed), is not permitted in races on any single carriageway road that is not wholly closed to traffic…. Competition Providers of races held entirely on roads closed to traffic may apply this condition where appropriate to local circumstances. Headphones that work by conducting sound through bones and do not sit in the ears are acceptable but a Competition Provider may determine that they cannot be used in their race.” The rule book is available for reference here

CharitiesThe Cabbage Patch 10 has raised over £200,000 for charities including Clarendon School in Twickenham, The Purple Elephant Project, MDS UK Patient Support Group, Special Olympics and Princess Alice Hospice and these charities received £12,500 in donations from the 2023 race.

The Cabbage Patch 10 - A historical synopsisThe Cabbage Patch 10 was founded in 1982 by Frank Dupree and Malcolm Ellis. Frank was landlord of the famous Cabbage Patch pub in Twickenham and both were experienced runners belonging to the Stragglers Running Club. Frank and Malcolm are still big supporters of the race and the race HQ is still at the Cabbage Patch pub. The race has raised over £200,000 over the years for various local charities including Clarendon School in Twickenham, MDS UK Patient Support Group and Princess Alice Hospice.

past winners of cabbage patch 10
past winners of cabbage patch 10

Race Mementos
The Cabbage Patch 10 organisers wish to make the race as sustainable as possible for our environment. This year, we will be partnering with a fully sustainable race T-shirt manufacturer but also giving entrants the option of foregoing the T-shirt to have that element of their entry fee put towards the planting of a tree. All finishers will receive this year's wooden race medal.

past winners of cabbage patch 10

If you are not running, please consider signing up to be a volunteer at this great race. Just click the button below to contact Phil, our Volunteer Co-ordinator